Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Christmas Waiting Room

Advent is a time to wait for the coming of Christ, and I find it ironic that because we love the festivities of Christmas so much, we end up doing almost no waiting. We are busy, busy with events and shopping and visits and cooking.

But as Christians, which is ultimately our most important identity, we are called to be waiting first, and doing later.

I’ve been thinking of this since Gethsemane is incredibly good at waiting room ministry. Having grown up in churches too big to do such a thing, I found it odd and amazing to be part of a church that insists on having folks sit in waiting rooms when someone is in the hospital. These folks are not invited or asked... they come. They wait. They pray. They wait some more. It is one of the most heartfelt, genuine, loving ministries I have ever seen done. My congregation has done more crossword puzzles, drunk more coffee, slept in more uncomfortable chairs than any I could imagine. They do it for members, for family of members, and for folks they meet through our ESL ministry. We sit and wait...

The reason I feel it is our greatest ministry is because it shows the constant, vigilant love of God... a God who makes time for us. A God who waits for us. It also shows hope. We are not afraid of pain or bad news... we will be there, because we trust that God is going to be there.

And so this Christmas, I wonder who is sitting in God’s waiting room? Which of us is taking the time to sit and wait for the birth of Jesus? Which of us is willing to set aside our busy schedules to sit in uncomfortable chairs, drink bad coffee, and do crossword puzzles, praying and waiting so that we can be the first to hear the hope that God has for us?

Think about that the next time you look at your packed to do list this month. After all, God has been waiting in the waiting room of your heart a long, long time.

Rev. Lindsay

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